Walks for 2014 will be from Saturday 29th March to Sunday 13th April inclusive. Walks will be available in the morning starting at 10:30am, and self-guided walks in the afternoon.
Although 2013 was a very unusual year in how late the daffodils started to emerge, we’ve moved the dates a week later for 2014 so that the walks are most likely to cover the peak of shows and widest range of varieties to see.
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We enjoyed a visit to your daffodils in 2012 and would like now to book a visit for our U3A members for 2014. Some do not drive and I wondered how small a coach would safely negotiate your lane. I remember it was very narrow.Jenny Summers
We were booked last year for a guided walk but the weather caused cancellation. We would love to come this year. It would be for a party of about eight from Park(Appleton) Women’s Institute and we would like to come on Tuesday April 8th.
Hoping this is convenient
Kath Carey